Self Detective is the study of the self. It works by aggregating skills and tools, concepts and case studies from the world of psychology, the sciences, the humanities and the arts. Once this information has been distilled into easy-to-read, bite-sized nuggets, you can use it to come up with your own pearls of practical wisdom, understanding, and solutions to the problem’s life throws at you.
This a great opportunity for you to take stock of your life so far.
Self Detective Scrapbook lets you put down on paper all your raw thoughts and feelings about who you are and who you want to be; where you’ve been and where you are heading. It is designed for you to explore yourself in a safe and nurturing environment, with the aim of encouraging you to making the necessary changes to improve your overall well-being.
This playful book covers such topics as: What would a museum of my past look like? What questions would I like to ask and have answered? What are my hopes and fears? Which of my needs are currently unmet? What would my own mind palace look like? What would I put in it? What music would soundtrack my life so far?
This book is the seventh in the series. Look out for others in our Self Detective range.
ISBN: 9781839451454
Type: Paperback
Pages: 144
Published: 23 December 2019
Price: $9.19
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