Space Nutz2

Follow the adventures of the crew of the Southern Belle as they attempt to rescue the fiery princess from the emperor's clutches. Their quest takes them to many strange planets and the beings that live on them. Surviving sabotage and encounters with giant boxing marsupials, frontier gargoyles and border patrols, the crew manage to track the princess to the planet Festus. A foul and desolate wasteland of a planet. ‘I have the greatest mind in the Universe and still I cannot prevent what is happening. I mean, how can an emperor be an emperor, if he is unable to maim, slaughter and annihilate, Mm, answer me that?’ The young emperor of the Evilonian Empire is in trouble, and he knows it. To survive he must consider the unthinkable, marriage to an evil sorceress and the kidnapping of a pain-in-the-butt princess. Life in the Galaxy will never be the same again. Can it get any worse?
ISBN: 9781803028590
Type: Paperback
Pages: 246
Published: 12 July 2023
Price: $12.65

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