The Dark Side of Gilead
Did young Vic Scanlon really see a girl locked up in a church elder's home? Or was he just imagining things? Should he tell? He knows what he ought to do but he is bullied into silence.
"The Dark Side of Gilead" tells the stories of three defectors from the Fellowship of Gilead who all want to discover the truth of what was going on when they were kids.
Was the girl real who was hidden away in the elder's room. What became of her after Vic had tried to spill the beans? Can she be found after all these years?
"The Dark Side of Gilead is a work of fiction, but it depicts the kind of dark goings-on all too often hidden behind the closed doors of some authoritarian religious movements which masquerade as beacons of righteousness.
"The Dark Side of Gilead" is a new and revised telling of a story first told in the author's earlier (no longer available) novel, "Shadows of Gilead."
ISBN: 9781835972922
Type: Paperback
Pages: 234
Published: 19 November 2024
Price: $12.65
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