The First Battle of the Sexes

According to scripture, Adam was created first and given three tasks, to tend the garden, to name the animals and to find himself a helper. What if the first animal he encountered was a dog that became his BFFF (best furry friend forever)? If for a couple of days, Adam had the time of his life exploring the garden and naming the animals until the creator removed one of his ribs and created Eve, and Eve was quicker in thought and often more emotional than Adam; does that sound like a recipe for harmony, or disharmony? Adam and Eve only had newly-formed brains, they did not have Google or reference books to show them how to be fruitful and multiply. Adam knew he had tadpoles to share with Eve but did not know how, and Eve thought she would have to lay an egg, and when she saw an ostrich egg, a painfully large ostrich egg, she vowed to remain a virgin forever. Despite encouragement from the creator which created a few near-miss encounters, creation had stalled, leaving the creator only one option, he had to give his children the talk all parents dread - you know the one – the one about the birds and the bees. With over 200 cartoon illustrations, please enjoy this humorous account of what might have happened in the Garden of Eden.
ISBN: 9781803025940
Type: Paperback
Pages: 124
Published: 10 August 2022
Price: $10.25

Book Extract

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