The Fox and the Scorpion meet Cold Turkey

It’s “Nothing Personal”, right? Following on from Carl’s Corner (his online poetry page) “The Fox and the Scorpion meet Cold Turkey” is the debut book by Manchester-born writer Carl J Ashley. It is likely to be met with a mixed reception and focuses on several themes. Not least his passion for sport - particularly football, and the rollercoaster ride and love affair that is Manchester City Football Club. More pertinently, his irreverent and excruciatingly honest take on the cold turkey experience is more akin to an anti self-help guide, and throughout the narrative we see how his love for fatherhood, travel, philosophy, cricket, and using mindfulness meditation to help deal with addiction and depression, all come to the fore. The reader will undoubtedly also be able to relate to his situation as a humble Englishman dislocated in beautiful, rural Ireland, and enjoy the humour of his tribulations as a door-to-door sales guy, despite having a degree in psychology. Also please beware ; his uncompromising wit and style can be rather crude at times!
ISBN: 9781786107053
Type: Paperback
Pages: 442
Published: 3 February 2016
Price: $14.45

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