The Man Who Threw His Wife Down The Toilet And Got Away With It
Tonight JFK a lowbrow tabloid talk show presenter reveals the truth about Geoff Butcher, better known as the man who chucked his wife down the toilet and got away with it.
During the play JFK calls weird
and wonderful witnesses onto the stage to confront Butcher over his lies. Butcher defends himself not only fighting with his dead wife's rummy relatives but also arguing with his own psychiatrist over his claim to genius, likening himself to Jesus, Van Gogh and Joan of Arc's father as he misquotes Shakespeare and the Bible.
Meanwhile on the split stage Butcher is rushing in and out of his flat where his wife still lives in his head. He re-enacts the rows that led to the murder, from the first where she reveals herself as an absolute scrag to the last where they violently battle with a carving knife.
ISBN: 9781785101373
Type: Paperback
Pages: 152
Published: 8 October 2014
Price: $11.95
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