The Story Teller Gene

Is there life after death? Maybe, maybe not. This book, written using past life therapy as the medium to obtain these stories traces lives connected with a love of words and the magic of storytelling. The gene starts its long journey way back in the legendary time at the destruction of Atlantis and ends with a very real event, the horror of Hiroshima having passed through many places and eras such as in a Roman soldier, a slave in Barbados, the siege of Montsegeur and an American Indian to name but a few. The historical eras are real but the stories and the people connected with them are not or are they? What if they are my story? I don’t know but it has been fun researching and writing these stories. I hope they are enjoyable to you too.
ISBN: 9781786102744
Type: Paperback
Pages: 204
Published: 2 November 2015
Price: $12.65

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