The Story of Jacqueline Jackdaw

​A delightful short story, especially suitable for five to eight-year-old children. This is the tale of Jacqueline, a clever jackdaw, who is given to a ten-year-old boy called Gladwin Goody, because he has always wanted a jackdaw friend. They become great friends and have many adventures together. Eventually Jacqueline finds a mate, and leaves to raise a family, but she promises to return the following year. In the Spring they return and Gladwin builds them a nest box. When the chicks are hatched, he watches their flying lessons and Jacqueline says that she will teach him to fly when he is asleep and dreaming.
ISBN: 9781786108043
Type: Paperback
Pages: 46
Published: 15 March 2016
Price: $6.49

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