The Tree With The House In It

Hidden away, enclosed by the gentle hills of Shropshire and the rugged peaks of Wales, rests the ancient village of Pitchford. The village’s heart and the hearts of its dwellers belong to the old manor house, built from mellow timber and love. Amongst the lime trees that amble over the lawns, is one tree that stands alone. “The Tree With The House In It.” The tree has stood resolute since the time of the Magna Carta. It has survived damaging winds, destructive storms, droughts and floods. The little house smiles with memories of the joyful laughter of generations of children, and the secret love of courting couples. It is said that the tree harbours mystical powers, borne from centuries of wisdom and knowledge. It is 1832 and the lives of Lady Louisa, a carefree and compassionate rebel; Noah, a confident and loveable Kale gypsy; Sarah, a lady’s maid and Joseph a handsome groom, unexpectedly weave together. They each find themselves on a voyage of adventure, elation, romance and sorrow. Ultimately, their actions invoke a local curse which affects the destiny of the future Queen of the British Empire.
ISBN: 9781784072704
Type: Paperback
Pages: 228
Published: 6 June 2014
Price: $12.65

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