Toward the Light
Toward the Light
Helen Bradley is twenty-seven, beautiful, intelligent, and well-educated. Her life has been pleasant but restricted by her care for her invalid mother, Birdie, and the attentions of her over-protective father, George. But Birdie has recently died, leaving Helen physically and emotionally bereft. Her unhappiness is compounded when she discovers her father intends to marry again to Kate, who is three years older than Helen. Having decided it is time that she stopped allowing other people to run her life, she travels to France, Switzerland, and Italy. But when she meets photographer, Paul, her life really begins to expand with unpredictable results.
This is the second book in the trilogy about the Bradley family.
ISBN: 9781849232456
Type: Paperback
Pages: 324
Published: 1 September 2012
Price: $12.95
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