Where the Gulls Cry

I’ve been a professional writer since 1997. So one of the first things I looked for when I moved to Weymouth in Dorset was a creative writing workshop. I was lucky enough to find two – Off the Cuff and Weymouth Writing Matters – both of them exercise based. Doing those twenty minute exercises every week, I produced a lot of very short fiction that could only have been made here, in Weymouth. When Covid closed down our lives in March of 2020 I immediately cast about for a writing project to keep me busy for the duration. There sat 10 notebooks full of workshop exercises, never revisited. I wondered, what’s actually in there? So through lockdown I keyed up those draft stories, unpacking some, finishing others, editing and polishing them all. Nowhere is the pandemic mentioned, because all these tales were told between 2016 and 2019. I’m sure there are many stories to be told about our Covid experiences, but these are not they. I hope you enjoy them.
ISBN: 9781803025742
Type: Paperback
Pages: 212
Published: 18 July 2022
Price: $8.80

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