frozen whispers

An insight into Pakistan's feudal culture that still holds a pivotal status in the society. The story of male dominance, revealing hidden details of a flamboyant lifestyle full of fun and merriment but along with it bearing the enormity of pain and suffering resulting from blindly following the rituals of the tribal norms. The role of the Pirs and their followers who believe in them blindly. The startling naked truth spelled out in this story is gripping and unfolds the masked reality not known to many. The story of the feudal chief martyred brutally in the hands of his own whimsical rules meant to protect the lands.What he loses and how much he gains is for the readers to find out from ,'Frozen Whispers.'
ISBN: 9781781765173
Type: Paperback
Pages: 202
Published: 30 June 2012
Price: $12.65