Profile: Dylan di Vilde
About This Author
About the Author
Dylan di Vilde began his writing career as a small boy as an indentured scrivener to the firm of Scratchit, Weasel, Withertail and Clench - Usurers to the Gullible. It was a miserable and unrewarding indentureship so at the age of 18 he audaciously made off with the company’s entire stock of gold bullion, some small items from the stationery cupboard and the 17 year old daughter of senior partner Ignatious Scratchit, the beautiful and wayward but ultimately fickle and faithless Vulvania. But that’s another story.
These days, apart from going about his daily business in a Sedan chair, he lives and works much as you ordinary people do.
This Author's Books
ISBN: 9781839452567
Published: 2 April 2020
ISBN: 9781839451911
Published: 29 January 2020