Profile: Rachel Garcia

About This Author

Born and raised in Minnesota, USA. Living in the UK with her husband and their two children. A Latina-American, Rachel is an advocate of positive change and anti-discrimination.

This Author's Books

Illthdar: the land that logic and reason forgot. A place where every fairytale exists, and not in harmony. Pulled there by a mysterious force, Zercey Stamos learns that she is part faery must join the Order of Mana. The religious protectors of the sacred ....
ISBN: 9781839451508
Published: 30 December 2019
Illthdar: the land that logic and reason forgot. A place where every fairytale exists, and not in harmony. Pulled there by a mysterious force, Zercey Stamos learns that she is part faery must join the Order of Mana. The religious protectors of the sacred ....
ISBN: 9781839451676
Published: 17 January 2020
Into the North: a tale of two peaks, two teams and two tragedies. In an effort to close the fissure, a hideous gaping maw spewing mana wasted demons and fae onto Illthdar's shores, venin, Lerki of Goldbirch has been dispatched to the Northern Mountains to....
ISBN: 9781803025490
Published: 22 June 2022