Profile: Moya Green

About This Author

Moya has been writing off and on since childhood (though more off than on). She has written a number of short stories, mostly fantasy or humour, some of which have actually won prizes or appeared in small magazines and anthologies. At present she is working on a humorous novel, The Apotheosis of Jabez Pigstock. More of her work may be found on her own website, which also carries a extensive list of current writing competitions. She now lives in Tamworth, Staffs, with husband and dog.

This Author's Books

What if you die and go to heaven, and find you don’t like it there? Do cats really rule the earth? Suppose, at the Battle of Hastings, that arrow had missed King Harold? These and other burning questions are answered in this collection of fantastical, fun....
ISBN: 9781782991472
Published: 30 January 2013