Profile: Philip Cooper
About This Author
Philip was born and educated in the United Kingdom. He joined Citibank in London before moving to Athens where he worked as a foreign exchange trader for both Citibank and Chase Manhattan. Philip was then posted to Citibank's Middle East North African Training Centre in Athens/Beirut as the operations manager and a foreign exchange trainer. After returning to the United Kingdom Philip joined Union Bank of Switzerland as the Head of Learning and Development and introduced trading simulations as a safe way for new traders to trade. In 1993 he was appointed Head of Learning and Education for UBS in North America. He later left the bank and went into partnership with two colleagues and set up a successful financial training company (New Learning Developments) in New York City. At New Learning Developments he developed relationships with all the major investment banks such as Goldman, Lehman, JP Morgan, and other major financial institutions such as The Federal Reserve Bank, Chase, Citibank, ABN-AMRO and the World Bank. In 1999 he returned to London where he worked as a training consultant to financial services institutions and the Ministry of Defence. He now spends his time developing knowledge databases for on-line brokerage houses and conducts webinars on foreign exchange and on-line retail trading. He also writes fictional short stories and is in the process of writing his first novel, a political thriller titled Operation Gladio.
This Author's Books
ISBN: 9781786106872
Published: 27 January 2016
ISBN: 9781786107039
Published: 3 February 2016
ISBN: 9781786107091
Published: 10 February 2016
ISBN: 9781786107442
Published: 18 February 2016
ISBN: 9781786107350
Published: 10 February 2016
ISBN: 9781786107459
Published: 18 February 2016