A Love Story

A love story of a boy (Joe) and his Love for his Oriental girlfriend (Bright Moon.)Joe's Father Disappointed his son could not follow his example scorned him. Joe desperately seeks his father's love while his Mother powerless to influence his father a cold-blooded killer who stood 7'2" a power house of a man. It takes place in the 1960’s in and around an Army Base in Malaya. In the 60’s Malaya was one of largest producers of rubber and Rice in Asia, the Rubber and Rice plantations covered 30% percent of the available land the rest of Malaya was thick Jungle. American and Australian soldiers from the Viet Nam war spent R and R time at the base. Viet Cong Rebels often tried to kill them in transit. Malaya is a predominantly Muslim and Buddhist Country with just a few Christians the indigenous people are a peaceful and friendly people. The coastline is randomly Populated with small Fishing villages. The Viet Cong often took hostages to fund their operations, if they failed to get their demands the hostage was killed on the first refusal. The term “Army Barmy” is a term often used for soldiers who become obsessed with the Army, everything in their lives has to be carried out the Military way, in many cases even their families had to comply. Larry Joe's Father a Captain in the British Army famous for his murderous antics with the local Terrorists he had no mercy. Joe a loving and kind person was a disappointment to Larry. He wanted his genes to dominate so his son could follow his like. BrightMoon a stunningly beautiful Oriental girl fell in love with Joe their deep love could not be broken, it was so strong their love changed the cold blooded killer "Larry" he began to respect and love his son.
ISBN: 9781788761741
Type: Hardback + Dust Jacket
Pages: 230
Published: 15 December 2017
Price: $15.75

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