Buckinghamshire Spies and Subversives

Buckinghamshire has a 600 year history of subversion, sedition and espionage. The county has been home to radical plotters, heretics and heretic hunters, agents provocateurs and informers. Two world wars brought spies, secret agents and saboteurs to the county and many of our stately homes housed wartime code-breakers, eavesdroppers, boffins, intelligence chiefs and even Nazi officers. A surprising number of women spies were incarcerated here and the first use of covert surveillance photography was against local women. From religious martyrs and gunpowder plotters to atomic secrets traitors and the domestic terrorists of modern times – this county has seen it all.
ISBN: 9781785108471
Type: Paperback
Pages: 312
Published: 8 June 2015
Price: $13.99

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