Chosen - Book 1

Chosen – Book 1 The Awakening Just when he thought his life had taken a turn for the better, Zachary Steele is about to find out exactly what being ‘Chosen’ means. After leaving the Special Forces, where they had served for many years, Zac and his best friend, Mike, are back in the hellish sandpit of the war-zone that is southern Afghanistan. However, unlike their previous blood-filled experiences in the region, this time the two men are running their own highly-successful business and making good money from selling technical equipment to the ISAF military forces still embroiled in the bloody conflict. Things are looking up for the two men, and Zac is even contemplating retirement. Then, a giant dust storm arrives and when its raging destruction finally subsides, Zac finds that his surroundings have changed, and they’ve changed beyond all recognition. Zac is hurled into a reality so far from the world he has known that he begins to doubt his own sanity. Mike is missing, and he’s not the only one who seems to have vanished. In fact, Zac begins to wonder if it’s not he who has died and that the deserted world, which he now appears to inhabit on his own, isn’t some form of hell, perhaps a purgatory where he is destined to spent the rest of eternity paying for all the blood-letting he committed in his past life. As Zac verges on the very brink of a lonely madness, he is introduced to someone,. George takes Zac and shows him the meaning of his new reality, he shows him the Darkness and he shows him those who are Chosen to fight it. Zac has faced some tough times in his life thus far, but they are to be as nothing compared to the journey the old man demands he must now embark upon. Only the Chosen may render battle unto the Darkness – Zac has been be Chosen…
ISBN: 9781788766586
Type: Paperback
Pages: 280
Published: 31 December 2018
Price: $11.47

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