Damnation Day III

The Damnation Day quartet, of which Here be Dragons is the third book, is set in a post-apocalyptic world, and follows the lives and loves of some of the ‘survivors’. The central character, Angelus, is known to some as ‘the black crow’ or ‘the dark angel’ because on his travels, he is often the bearer of bad news – but Angelus has his secrets..... Here be Dragons finds Angelus once more straining at the leash and back on the road again, along with his companions, and as before soon embroiled in events. However, Angelus is not the only one concerned about his domestic arrangements, or the only one with problems of that nature but ‘problems domestic’ are soon the least of their collective concerns....
ISBN: 9781781766361
Type: Paperback
Pages: 265
Published: 7 August 2012
Price: $12.95

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