Every Little Helps

Snap Shot and the Gap Many thanks first to the learners. Without these snap shot essays this project would not have been possible. A writing project. Essays on English courses can easily find themselves in a slush file. This group of young adults have been encouraged to do different by taking part in a step beyond and to publish their work. The project sets out to bridge the sag in ideas of how to motivate the learner. Learner contributions are the result of input towards the project. No apologies for this The writers are The focus. None have seen their work published before as a book. Apart from a different table of contents, profile, one procedure, example of a job vacancy and useful ideas it is the learners' show using their second language, a skill native English speakers, in some cases, have never experienced. A doorway to another language.
ISBN: 9781788762977
Type: Hardback + Dust Jacket
Pages: 88
Published: 13 April 2018
Price: $9.29

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