Every Place Should Have a Touch of Green
Wouldn’t it be nice to live in a place which allowed you to do what you wanted, when you wanted, without people judging you or moralising about your behaviour? Well the people of Green Village live a quiet and peaceful life without interference or social judgments on the way they wish to live their lives. Sex and drugs are an acceptable part of living in Green village but no one ever talks about them directly. One day, a letter arrives at the local planning department where Tansy Blyme works, which reveal the County Council have acted illegally by allowing planning permission for a retail park and a 250 house development on the outskirts of Green Village and their neighbouring, town Uppingdown. Everyone is outraged.
Oswald Rice, unemployed licensee is offered a ‘run down pub’ in Green Village, when he arrives he meets Joplin Allgood the no-it-all barmaid. She keeps Oswald up to date with everything that is going on in the village including the forth coming meeting to oppose the councils plan. Oswald also meets the ghost of The Green Cross Inn and within a short time he becomes entangled in the lives of people in Green Village.
ISBN: 9781785107450
Type: Paperback
Pages: 318
Published: 7 May 2015
Price: $12.95
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