SYNOPSIS – FOCUS ON SOME WOMEN IN THE BIBLE Sarah supported her husband’s dedication to YHWH their God. It was probably her desire to have the promise to her husband fulfilled that she gave her Hagar to at least have a child. We must be careful in helping our husbands fulfill the Lord’s calling by shortcuts. Sarah’s laughter denoted continuing disbelief. Since Sarah has passed the age of bearing children, she laughs disbelievingly at the thought of giving birth to a son. Nothing, however, is too hard for the LORD (Genesis 18:14). In the laughter, however, the suitability of Isaac’s name is again demonstrated. Isaac means he laughs. Miriam led the women in praise. Moses was not proud, and he did not seek his own glory. The complaint of Miriam and Aaron were simply wrong. Miriam must respect the Lord's leader, Moses. The best place to go when one feels hopeless and in deep anguish is before God. All parents should pray on God's throne and offer up their children to Him. Abigail's quick and wise actions prevented David from making a rash mistake by retaliating. Abigail's response is an example of the importance of wisdom in everyday living – especially in the face of someone else's foolishness. The Shunammite woman refused to convey her news to any but the prophet himself and told him off that the son whom he had promised to her had died. We should perhaps not dismiss too lightly the belief in the divine power of touch. The Shunammite woman's determination to speak to Elisha suggests her confidence in Elisha's willingness and ability to act. The woman believed the Lord could work through the prophet to bring about her child's recovery, just as he had done when she conceived. Her faith stands out in a time of national disbelief and disobedience. Deborah the Jewish prophet is the only judge of Israel whom people came to have their disputes decided. Deborah influenced the people to live for God. Her personality drew the people together and commanded the respect of even Barak, a military general. She was also a prophet whose main role was to encourage the people to obey God. Trusting Naomi's God to provide, Ruth insisted on leaving all and following her mother-in-law back to Bethlehem. The story of Ruth exemplifies genuine, selfless love at its best in this young woman's unconditional commitment to her mother-in-law. The women highly praise Ruth as a woman of remarkable love and devotion. In a declaration of courage and faith, Esther states "If I perish, I perish." The most important matter is cooperating with God wherever He places a Christian. If Christians are walking in complete obedience to God's will, they can be confident nothing will happen to them that is outside of His sovereign control. God’s blessing on Mary the honor of being the mother of the Messiah, would lead to much pain; her peers would ridicule her, her fiancé would come close to leaving her, her son would be rejected and murdered. But through her would be the world’s only hope. Mary’s submission is part of God’s plan to bring about our salvation. A young unmarried girl who became pregnant risked disaster. Still, Mary said despite the risks, ‘May everything you have said about me come true.’ Apparently, the Holy Spirit told Elizabeth about Mary giving birth to the Messiah, because she addressed her young relative the mother of my Lord. There is no end to usefulness. Anna was 84, and she gave her life to prayer, as the old can always serve in this way. If Anna’s extreme old age was prayerful, it is a fair inference that she had always been prayerful. Priscilla and Aquila provide a model for both marriage and ministry. Serving side by side, their bond of marriage became a blessed yoke of ministry. Apollos humbly accepted the gentle correction and understanding that Aquila and Priscilla offered. Apollos was an eloquent speaker with an excellent knowledge of the Scriptures (Old Testament). His knowledge about Jesus and the Holy Spirit was inadequate, though. He did not understand that believers could experience and enjoy the power of the Holy Spirit as a present energizing reality. Fortunately, Priscilla and Aquila took him aside and corrected his spiritual understanding.
ISBN: 9781803027241
Type: Paperback
Pages: 144
Published: 12 January 2023
Price: $10.25

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