Fill in the Gaps
Another extraordinary romp through Europe (mainly) by a great linguist on full expenses. Not only does he see the greatest tourist magnets of that breathtaking continent but he is paid to stay at some of its most wonderful hotels and, occasionally, eat like a prince.
This is business travel on springs, just as it should be. Some of the time he is accompanied by his wife and, from time to time, by a appreciative son who is coming up to his thirteenth birthday, an heir in training.
Aside from the briefest of visits to Silicon Valley, this story is about Europe, the world's most wonderful continent.
Since the author speaks three of its languages near perfectly, and another two quite reasonably, he has no trouble getting around. So, why not come with him to France. Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Germany and Scotland? All right, you may think that at least Scotland requires no linguistic skills but, if you do, you're wrong as you'll soon find out.
ISBN: 9781835971598
Type: Paperback
Pages: 264
Published: 5 September 2024
Price: $12.95
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