How To Enhance Your Life Through Mental Imagery

José Ortegay Gasset was so impressed by the power of metaphors that he compared them to a tool for creation which God forgot inside of us when he created man. When I asked myself where metaphors get this tremendous power from, I realized that mankind has an even much more powerful tool at its disposition: Mental Imagery. Mental Imagery is the key to achieving our goals and the internal screen on which we project our dreams. It allows us to simulate procedures; familiarize with environments and situations before we get to know them in "real life"; It helps us to relax, but just as well will arouse us or prepare us for future actions. With the help of Mental Imagery, we can build confidence and readiness, stimulate healing and recovery, change our behaviour or literally borrow the mind of a genius. How to learn and implement this power and benefit from its many advantages, is what this book is all about.
ISBN: 9781785104466
Type: Paperback
Pages: 206
Published: 6 January 2015
Price: $13.15

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