Journeys on the Underground and Beyond (I)

The daily act of commuting across a busy metropolis is more than mere transportation from A to Z. Lives and personalities are pushed together in the same space. Individuality and collectiveness intertwine. This series of poems is presented in a sort of Cubist, urban way, where reality and fantasy intersect between fast-paced and quiet existences, crowded underground trains and the depths of human psyche. These journeys of the body and mind, cover a 24 hour cycle revealing daily events and some of what goes on in the passenger's mind whilst commuting. The body travels, and so does the mind, reacting and responding to reality, jumping between memories, processing, dreaming. Being part of and detaching from the whole: When there's just a dusty draft whizzing through/ and ripped posters flutter/ Do the stairs remember anything, anyone?/ Do the CCTV cameras hold any passions left behind?
ISBN: 9781786108524
Type: Paperback
Pages: 88
Published: 29 March 2016
Price: $9.29

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