Me and Leonardo by Stuart da Bronx (and other stories)
Here is an eclectic collection of stories; some true. There's the sailor who while crossing the Atlantic with his teenaged daughter almost drowned trying to save a hitchhiking pigeon--and learned something about parenting. And the sailor whose life was saved by getting bitten by her dog. Then there's the environmentally conscious sailor who abruptly resigned from "Save the Whale"--due to a very mischievous whale. There are tales of strange happenings in southern Italian villages (to my Italian friends; they are fictional, I swear it) by an American who washed ashore in Italy some ten years ago and ecstatically keeps returning. All these stories, even those bordering on fantasy, have an element of truth; and all are, on some level, autobiographical.
ISBN: 9781788763509
Type: Paperback
Pages: 260
Published: 25 May 2018
Price: $12.65
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