A CONFESSION AND AN INVITATION Each year, like many Christians, I look for a book to be part of my Lenten devotions and there is never any shortage of excellent candidates. However, this year, I had a problem. It wasn’t their fault – it was mine. I once read of an old Methodist preacher who described himself by saying, “I am just a jobbing Christian – one who has been long at his trade but not yet master of it” – and reluctantly I had to admit that that was me too – ‘just a jobbing Christian’. Compared with me, all those Lenten writers seemed so competent, expert and assured. They were like cordon bleu chefs whose recipes I might admire but could never hope to cook. So, what was I to do? Why not write my own Lenten meditations for each day as I went along? But where should I look for inspiration? I found myself re-reading The Book of Proverbs which I have always liked for its wit and wisdom and I was impressed afresh by how practical it is. I decided that it would make great Lenten reading, ..... David Dunn-Wilson Eastbourne
ISBN: 9781786106438
Type: Paperback
Pages: 92
Published: 8 January 2016
Price: $9.29

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