Quest of the Dicepterons Volume 2

In Volume 1 - The Blue People of Cloud Planet - we discovered the Dicepterons and evicted them from Cloud Planet. Now in Volume 2 they target Earth and the first mothership impacts the Southern Pacific ocean creating gigantic tsunamis. They take over Antarctica threatening to melt the whole icecap. How does Earth respond to a disaster not surpassed since the extinction of the dinosaurs? Our new heroes, Raphaella Medici[Olivia's sister] and Chuck Parker[Scott's father] meet in the most unlikely scenario. Enter the Dicepteron disc and discover their astonishing technology and ultimately come face to face with a Dicepteron - a frightening ordeal. How can Earth repel such an invincible foe? Return to Cloud Planet where an underground evolution of Blind People threaten the Blue People's fragile existence. Meanwhile the second Dicepteron disc lies in wait and abducts Olivia Medici and Scott Parker. Where is the destination of this disc? What do the Dicepterons want? How can they be stopped from achieving their quest?
ISBN: 9781785103803
Type: Paperback
Pages: 377
Published: 4 December 2014
Price: $12.95

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