SNAPSHOT CORONA contains observations and reflections in light verse on the Covid-19 virus outbreak which spread across the world from China at the beginning of 2020. In the UK life as we knew it was locked down. Social events, sports events were cancelled and businesses closed their doors. New rules for personal interaction included social distancing wearing face masks. We were instructed to avoid meeting others outdoors and in our own homes. Millions worked from home. Many lost their jobs. The disease affected the health of millions of people across the globe. In December, UK vaccination began and, by July 2021, life in Britain began to return to normal. This booklet contains 32 poems, including one or two lighter moments, as well as the more serious aspects. It also includes black and white illustrations.
ISBN: 9781803021041
Type: Paperback
Pages: 66
Published: 10 September 2021
Price: $6.49

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