Shared Dreams
Three sets of sporting rivals, in each case the only things they share are a dream and an incredible desire to achieve it. In terms of personality and playing styles the rivals couldn’t be more different. The story follows each rival as they build up to their classic showdowns. A Women’s Wimbledon final, the Open Championship golf at St Andrews and the Rugby League Grand Final at Old Trafford are the venues for the classic sporting dramas. The story also follows the human drama that people have to live through to get to their glorious moments, public glory and adulation often hides a traumatic and stressful personal life. One common theme running through each story is a highly immoral betting syndicate that take several disturbing steps to try and get sports stars to deliberately underperform to make them money.
All six rivals deserve to win, but only three of them will. Every sporting dream that is lived out is always another person's nightmare.
ISBN: 9781782991458
Type: Paperback
Pages: 336
Published: 30 January 2013
Price: $12.95
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