Shelf Life
The Podbury Village Library is under threat of closure and a group of the library staff determine to fight the councillor who is orchestrating the closure for his own ends. An unlikely colleague in the fight is the apparent tramp who spends most of the day in the library reading the newspaper, but who turns out to be a former renowned international journalist, whose passion for the written word and the threat to his local library has given him a new purpose in life. The library stock of books appear destined for an incinerator and investigations by Ross and Judy, two young librarians, reveal that corruption is widespread.
In rising to the challenge each of the characters develop and begin to discover things about themselves. The conflict is not merely one of good versus evil but of how to handle the inevitability of change.
ISBN: 9781786971678
Type: Paperback
Pages: 206
Published: 19 July 2016
Price: $12.65
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