Soul Purpose

By Denise Pilgrim and Les Pilgrim
This is a book of spiritual inspiration, written for every Soul seeking for their purpose in life. We are far more than just a physical body making our journey through a material world, but are first and foremost beautiful Souls of light, living and expressing our true selves as Souls, through a spirit body, and also through the physical body which we have for this physical part of our journey. The journey of life is an eternal one, and does not end at the grave in death, but continues onwards eternally into a world of spirit, our true home to where we shall all one day eventually return, to a place of beauty and light, where Love reigns supreme for all who reside there. All Souls were created by a Loving God, with a purpose for all of Love to be shared and expressed in the best way that we can.
ISBN: 9781835970539
Type: Paperback
Pages: 122
Published: 29 April 2024
Price: $10.25

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