The Lion shall lie with the Lamb

THE LION SHALL LIE WITH THE LAMB, is a comic but engaging, serious but romantic, ironic but direct, thought provoking novel, that tells the story of Nanse Monica, a young lady lawyer who quits her lucrative job in the corporate world (and good income as a practicing lawyer) to champion efforts for women emancipation in Kibogo; an imaginary country in Black Africa. Along with others, she establishes the Quest for Women Emancipation Campaign which arouses the critical consciousness of both men and women, exerts pressure on government, and organizes protests and demonstrations until women are free from exploitation, marginalization, oppression, abuse, gender-based violence,injustice, negation and self negation. The people end up voting Nanse Monica Prime Minister of the country.
ISBN: 9781784073374
Type: Paperback
Pages: 245
Published: 23 January 2014
Price: $12.65

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