The Pleb & The Lady
Of Lust & Love
Justin was regarded as a pleb. Like his father he was born to serve the nobility.
His life was already mapped out for him. He would follow in his father's footsteps to become a gamekeeper. Or that the theory.
However, Justin had other ideas and aspirations way above his station in life.
He decided to follow his name Justin Luck.
He had two assets. His ability to sketch with an eye for detail and females were naturally attracted to him. He intended to exploit both.
His father a strict diciplinarian was incensed when Justin broke with protocol and approached a lady and spoke to her without being asked to do so.
Nevertheless this one dicrepancy led him through the gateway to paradise.
His dreams were realised.
ISBN: 9781781768372
Type: Paperback
Pages: 198
Published: 13 October 2012
Price: $11.95
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