TWO ANTHROPOLOGISTS CLASH at an international conference, and it sparks off a long-running dispute.
Drawn to Tierra del Fuego to examine skeletal remains, Simon Lindstrom, is caught up in the outbreak of the Falklands War. When he flees Argentina and reveals details of the military build-up in the South Atlantic to the British authorities, he becomes a marked man.
Memories are long. Lindstrom`s return to the country almost a decade later is suddenly fraught with danger when a high-profile member of the old ruling Junta seeks vengeance. He escapes to “The Land of Fire”, and revives the search for a native burial ground with the anthropologist, Margarita Ortega. But Lindstrom gradually encounters another formidable problem. He finds inconsistencies in the work of one of the world`s most highly-regarded naturalists.
His task is formidable. He has to evade the murderous forces ranged against him; work alongside a feisty, fellow anthropologist; and come to terms with the real findings of the esteemed Charles Darwin.
ISBN: 9781782997115
Type: Paperback
Pages: 431
Published: 20 August 2013
Price: $14.45
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