Profile: brian alford

About This Author

After a long career in Information Technology I decided to quit the rat race. With a "head full of ideas" I embarked on new career as an author. In practice I was already an author. During my first career I had over 100 articles and three books published all related to IT. I knew therefore that I could write, the challenge was to re-orient my thinking from the real to fantasy. This re-orientation was not as difficult as I thought. We all day dream and let our minds meander elsewhere but usually the practicalities of life bring us back down to earth. Much of my thinking is done whilst out running. Running is a time to forget the hassles of the world and let my mind wander. The distraction of the physical effort clears the brain. My first works have been humour. Life is full of humour if you look at it in the right way. In fact it is often necessary to see the funny side in order to retain sanity. It is a simple matter of perspective. The tricky part is laughing with people not at them. I have now turned my attention to the more serious side of life with my crime thriller Black Crow and soon to be published Darkness of Nature.

This Author's Books

A perfect family is struck by misfortune when the mother Jane contracts a virus that affects her brain and changes her personality. She becomes the complete opposite of her former self. No longer a caring and loving mother and wife she becomes a dark and ....
ISBN: 9781788763349
Published: 22 May 2018
Shadows in the Ether is a cautionary tale of how technology can be exploited to do harm. It explores the problem of hacking and social media exploitation told through those that have been affected. The Chinese have infested the Internet with the aim of di....
ISBN: 9781839454851
Published: 5 October 2020
Shadows in the Ether is a cautionary tale of how technology can be exploited to do harm. It explores the problem of hacking and social media exploitation told through those that have been affected. The Chinese have infested the Internet with the aim of di....
ISBN: 9781839454035
Published: 20 August 2020
Its only a game, what harm can it do? What does a parent do when their child becomes so obsessed with playing a game that it changes them profoundly? What does a parent do when discipline is meaningless and ineffective? Matthew loves playing Xyntor but hi....
ISBN: 9781788764063
Published: 20 June 2018