Profile: Claude SIMON

About This Author

Claude Simon was trained as a humanist in arts and sciences in France (Sorbonne), in the UK (UCL) and in New York City (School of Visual Arts). He became a communication specialist, working as a teacher, researcher and consultant in schools, universities and private companies. He lived in London for ten years, then in Princeton and New York for eight years. He met the artist Cynthia in New York and they’ve been together ever since. He came back to Europe with her, where they lived in many different places like London, Toulouse, Berlin and Paris. They both travelled extensively through South America, Europe, Africa and Asia. Throughout his life, he kept diaries of his numerous professional and personal experiences, and of his imaginary visions, people and situations. He started his own activities after over a decade of private company slavery. He has been involved mostly in coaching people in change situations. He decided then to put his notes into readable formats, whether short stories, novels or poetry. Claude is now focusing his energies on finalizing book projects, whether conceived over the past twenty years or from new inspirations. When he does not write, Claude draws and paints, mostly on imaginary or abstract themes. Claude lives in France at the moment (2015).

This Author's Books

Three hundred years after the collapse of societies as we know them, people began to orhanise themselves into more or less structured communities. Bao and Ulia were born in the village of Dulka, in Mangarna region.
ISBN: 9781839451867
Published: 29 January 2020
How can an unknown dead man, found by some bored kids in a provincial town, be connected to a teenage girl murdered in a hot spot for prostitution in Paris west end ? How can top executives and politicians be involved in human traffic ? How can a top-notc....
ISBN: 9781785105982
Published: 9 March 2015
Comment un inconnu, trouvé mort par des jeunes désœuvrés dans une ville de province, peut-il être lié à une jeune fille assassinée dans un haut lieu de prostitution du Bois de Boulogne à Paris ? Comment des grands patrons et des élus politiques en vue peu....
ISBN: 9781786972170
Published: 2 August 2016
Dans ce volume, Colas ne peut pas s'empêcher de poser des questions sur ce que tout le monde prend pour argent comptant. A quoi servent les règles et les conventions que presque tous les gens trouvent stupides et ne respectent quasiment jamais ? Pourtant,....
ISBN: 9781786103291
Published: 19 November 2015
Vous êtes-vous déjà retrouvé prisonnier d’un espace-temps déformé ? Si c’est le cas, ces histoires réveilleront de lointains souvenirs. Sinon, elles vous prépareront à en affronter éventuellement. Cependant, si vous tentez d’appréhender ce genre de situat....
ISBN: 9781786976222
Published: 14 January 2017
Sharon was so happy to get tenure at the marine microbiology laboratory of the University of Southern California. She could at last focus on her own research to unveil the mystery of bacterial communication. That’s when she began to face hidden bigotry of....
ISBN: 9781803023540
Published: 17 February 2022
In volume One, Clive cannot help asking questions about what everyone else takes for granted. What's the use of rules and conventions if most people find them stupid and keep breaking them ? Yet he realises how much he can learn from his encounters when h....
ISBN: 9781785106828
Published: 14 April 2015
Have you ever been caught up in a warped space-time situation ? If you have, these stories will wake up forgotten memories. If you have not, you will be better armed to handle the experience. But if you try to deal with irrational situations using your ra....
ISBN: 9781786103604
Published: 27 November 2015