Ghosts Around Birmingham

Join author Anthony Poulton-Smith on a ghostly tour in and around Birmingham. Known as Brummagem, the Second City, the City of a Thousand Trades, it is also the home to numerous stories which have defied explanation. Policemen, painters, nurses, motorists, men, women, boys, and girls have all contributed to these pages. Visit some of the iconic locations in the city, including New Street Station, the Council Offices, the Town Hall, the Museum and Art Gallery, Aston Hall, Blakesley Hall, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, the Cadbury Factury, and many more - including a good few of the city's public houses. With almost a hundred narratives, this book will delight the ghost hunters and the spiritual, intrigue the doubters, make the sceptical think again, and send chills up and down every spine.
ISBN: 9781803023250
Type: Paperback
Pages: 112
Published: 24 January 2022
Price: $10.18

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