Tamworth Street Names

The street and road names of the town of Tamworth number in the hundreds. But where do these names come from? How 'new' is New Street? What is the origin of Aldergate? Who was Tom Williams? Which lane was named because it was once an orchard? Where in landlocked Staffordshire is there a theme of North Sea oil and gas fields? Within this book every street from the ancient trunk road of Watling Street to the most recent cul-de-sac are examined. Names with histories dating from before the Roman occupation, those marking the arrival of the Anglo-Saxons, the conquest by the Normans and every royal house since, right up to the modern era and the countless themes for new estates - all the explanations are to be found here. National figures, local personalities, trades, landowners, pastimes, the landscape, public houses, religion and folklore have all contributed to the names of the routes we travel every day. A must for every historian, an invaluable guide to every tourist and a lasting reminder of the ancient town for any who live or work here, or who have their roots within Tamworth.
ISBN: 9781786102706
Type: Paperback
Pages: 156
Published: 28 October 2015
Price: $11.95

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