The Life, Times and Death, of Guy Aldred
"I am an optimist, completely and irrevocably, no matter what happens to myself. And I have experienced many things which would have made weaker men pessimistic, depriving them of the faith which alone can sustain the truth they experience. I know of the ignorance of people and the stubbornness brought about by personal gain. I know of the traps and deceits cultivated by those in high positions of power, yet still I am an optimist and believer in progress. You see, progress is a moral issue. Progress is stepping out of the darkness of ignorance and despair into the light of understanding and confidence and good spirit. It is this progress that shapes, to some extent, our political and physical progress stemming from economic necessity." Guy A. Aldred.
ISBN: 9781803029351
Type: Paperback
Pages: 622
Published: 10 October 2023
Price: $14.79
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