True Colours

True Colours is the book that breaks all the rules, with underage sex, and teenage sex abuse, it is a story about how young people define just who, and what they are. The story follows the development of Clive, and Jenny Morvans' four children, but focussing on the elder boy, Daniel, who sees himself not as a boy, but a girl, and charts his quest to become Nicola.True Colours is the book that will challenge your ideas, and perceptions about transsexuals, and give you a much better understanding of what they go through, and the risks they take just trying to have a life in modern society. It is also a story of how our kids don't always turn out to be the way we expect, once they show their True Colours.
ISBN: 9781781761601
Type: Paperback
Pages: 338
Published: 20 September 2013
Price: $12.95

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