the very naughty killer who did not have a face
In Gloria Trubbshore's latest thrilling dystopian novel, the ruling party of the newly formed Anglo-welsh Assembly make up the Moral Party. Their manifesto - to eradicate immoral behaviour of every sort. Their first act of parliament passes the Hood Bill. It becomes firstly distasteful then illegal to show one's features in public. Those who flaunt the law suffer heinous penalties. The hoods render closed-circuit televisions redundant practically overnight. Policing faces tremendous new challenges when one never knows who one is meeting - who is committing the latest crime.
With her latest tour de force, Trubbshore has presented us with a very shocking, adult predicament, how far would you go to protect your morality? Would you protect the rights of the criminal if it meant their privacy?
ISBN: 9781803021119
Type: Paperback
Pages: 204
Published: 19 August 2021
Price: $12.65
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