Profile: Paddy O'Farrell

About This Author

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This Author's Books

What do you do when you say good bye to all your family and friends in the UK and retire to a strange country? You find the local bridge club.This is a heart warming and sometimes hilarious life story of a bridge addict who started playing at the age of n....
ISBN: 9781835970959
Published: 21 June 2024
Dr Rammittin Chutnabuttee, University College Hospital, Jodhpur (failed) was always destined for Muddlecombe-cum-Snoring. This picturesque village twinned with Shangri La and Brigadoon is home to Chekov Yeboleksi; (ex head of KGB Interrogation, now runnin....
ISBN: 9781908147127
Published: 1 November 2011
The villagers of Muddlecombe-cum-Snoring were perplexed as a Spitfire flew over their sun drenched hay fields and a load of strangers went into Primrose Cottage: the Head of the Russian Mafia; his minder Boris "Seven Bellies" Slobovitch; two undercover CI....
ISBN: 9781839451928
Published: 12 February 2020
The villagers of Muddlecombe-cum-Snoring were perplexed as a Spitfire flew over their sun drenched hay fields and a load of strangers went into Primrose Cottage: the Head of the Russian Mafia; his minder Boris "Seven Bellies" Slobovitch; two undercover CI....
ISBN: 9781907986635
Published: 1 November 2011
In the sleepy village of Muddlecombe-cum-Snoring lives Dense Dimmock, village idiot and part time MI6 consultant who is called upon to rescue a Scottish oil executive kidnapped in Azerbaijan. He is smuggled out to Azerbaijan with the help of the RAF but i....
ISBN: 9781785103520
Published: 26 November 2014