Butterly Hall

In her fight to preserve and even restore her country house home, Lucile Rochford-Knight engages a diverse group of characters as allies, and it is the small stories of these people within the larger story of Lucile's battle that provide the essence of the parody that is Butterley Hall.The characters include Rupert, Lucile's inept husband, a long lost uncle back from Australia with gold who might just be the saviour of the Hall, and a disparate of not very successful crafts-men and women who rent mes stalls to try and sell their wears.Thrown into this melting pot are a young black boy running away from an unhappy home, a fierce and even violent blacksmith and a gentle horsey girl who thinks she can tame him. The scene changes dramatically with the uncle's gold and after a sequence of trials and tribulations the estate morphs into an amusement park. While all this is going on long lost husbands turn up, new crafts-people join the old crowd, Lucile has a son and Boycott, the black lad,becomes accepted as part of the extended family.Although it appears that Lucile will achieve her life's ambition of restoring the Hall tragedy rears its head when Jason the fiery blacksmith jumps of the high scaffolding after raping Sally who had worked hard at trying to civilise him.
ISBN: 9781785102264
Type: Paperback
Pages: 207
Published: 31 October 2014
Price: $12.65

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