The Answer to Those Desirous to Know What Aisha MAP Taught the Companions
It is widely held that Islam is a male dominated patriarchal system of law that shows little regard to women. While this may be true in the context of how Islam plays out within Muslim Cultures. This is a great fallacy. Especially, when we consider the Foundational Era of Muslim Scholarship under the Prophet Muhammad PBUH.
There we find mention of the greatest Muslim Scholar, Jurist and Shaykhah of all times: the wife of the Holy Prophet PBUH: Aisha MAP. The Lady Aisha MAP was taught 1/2 the Knowledge of Islam by Prophet Muhammad PBUH directly: A distinction she alone holds in Islam. And Aisha alone MAP is responsible for 1/4 of the foundational texts to Islam's Shari A'h. She alone receives this Scholarly Honor.
This book is meant to infuse today's Muslims with a renewed appreciation for the important historical role of women in the formation of the core-systems to Muslim Life and Governance that we all enjoy today. This book does not merely pay lip-service to women, it makes the case factually for the enhanced treatment of Muslim Woman as equals and scholars within the diverse modern-day cultures of Islam today!
ISBN: 9781784077297
Type: Paperback
Pages: 210
Published: 29 May 2014
Price: $29.95
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