
The theatre work of award winning-writer Tony Craze has been described as ' . . . assured, enthralling, daring, and with an emotional charge powerful enough to send one reeling . . .' 'Shona' offers a precise, piteous and fearful picture of a young girl’s faltering steps in the no man’s land between the states we call normality and madness. After 10 years in mental institutions, Shona steps out into the world and meets Harry who is convinced she can be helped back to ‘normality’ by understanding and care. A setback brings Shona face to face with consultant psychiatrist Dr Ian Wall. The play charts the conflict in the battle for Shona’s health between Harry’s attempts to care and Dr Wall’s penchant for psycho-surgery interventions. Out of a deceptively simple narrative Tony Craze has mounted a scathing indictment of society’s attitudes to the mentally disturbed.
ISBN: 9781782993186
Type: Paperback
Pages: 94
Published: 8 April 2013
Price: $9.29

Book Extract

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