A Fly on the Wall
Jim Fawn is an average man who works as a Safety Officer; he is rendered invisible through a terrible accident at work. He has to find a way to earn a living, and he teams up with an Investment Banker who turns him into ‘A Fly on the Wall’, and uses his new condition to not only make them both wealthy, but to fight against crimes that Jim has long had a passion to fight against
Drug dealers who peddle their filth to schoolchildren are one of his pet hates, despot leaders of poor countries who steal all the countries wealth for their own selfish needs, whilst the poor people die from malnutrition and disease he abhors.
Evil people who profit from the misery of victims kidnapped and sold into slavery or prostitution are also high on Jim’s list of people that he feels the world would be better without.
All of them are in for a shock when the Invisible man takes up the fight against them.
ISBN: 9781785102882
Type: Paperback
Pages: 191
Published: 14 November 2014
Price: $11.95
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