The Adventures of Sid the Swallow
This is a story about a tiny swallow called Sid, a very beautiful bird that lives in the countryside of England, but only in the summer months of May to September, spending the winter months in the warm climate of South Africa.
How is it possible that this tiny bird takes his family and undertakes a journey of 7,000 miles across France, Spain and North Africa using only a small pair of wings just to enjoy a warm climate? Then he flies back again in April.
Sid and Samantha take their family on this long journey but then decide to remain there forever. They have to learn about new countries with different birds and dangers lurking everywhere. They enjoy a new exciting life together.
This book was written for boys and girls of 4 to 7 who love animals, but there is absolutely no reason why adults should not enjoy also.
This is the very latest version, now much larger than the original book.
ISBN: 9781785102974
Type: Paperback
Pages: 40
Published: 21 November 2014
Price: $5.65
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