Customer Service In A Nutshell
Customer service. Oh dear. What are we going to do about it? This is the simplest business book you will ever read. It is short on words (c. 3,500). It contains only one basic message, and a few thoughts.
To focus interest, the same message appears on the first 50 pages (let the buyer beware) but, because attention spans aren’t what they used to be, I have inserted the odd image here and there. I said, to focus interest, the same message appears on the first 50 pages (let the buyer beware) but, because attention spans aren’t what they used to be, I have inserted the odd image here and there. It’s a nutshell message from my forty years experience as a retail and customer service manager and my fifty-five years as a customer.
Repetition is one way of learning to ensure we never forget the lesson. I said repetition is one way of learning to ensure we never forget the lesson. Absorb the message and get on with it. Customers deserve nothing less.
This book is the basis for a fun, lively and focused customer service workshop. It’s a collection of notes, observations and presentation material collected over the years.
Scatter a few copies in your employee rest areas.
ISBN: 9781784072117
Type: Paperback
Pages: 98
Published: 4 December 2013
Price: $9.29
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